She met the woman for the first time. But I've...
People listen to a hitched in my heart.
Although Jiuyou is vast and vast, most areas are cloudy...
A moment later, the whole field was left with Cao Ge and Xiao Lu.
The two of them were embarrassed when they looked at...
Lin Man in Lin Chong’s gnashing voice heard that it was’ revenge! Revenge!’
Lin Man can hear Lin Chong breathing in the silent...
Because everyone is independent, new individuals come to this world in vain and need to learn from scratch, which is the dilemma of every generation. "
Dong Zegang: "You are really an old student of Ke....
At this time, the Yaochi Festival will be full of joy everywhere in the Tiangong.
Tianding, maid, lux, etc. are constantly busy. The day after...
Sun Hao’s true core practice secret "The Mind-Body Integration Technique" was formed after all the previous exercises were completed, which was finally refined by Sun Hao after hundreds of years of thinking, synthesizing various training methods and many experiments, and finally proved by himself.
The technique of "connecting the mind with the body" consists...
A bloody road was pulled out! Before the ghosts get together, the Wang Da Independent Regiment screamed out and fought its way straight to Mengjiang Township to retreat! Goofy covered the soldiers’ retreat and waited for the troops to withdraw. His wave was a Grenade! It was taken from the ghost!
133 retreat to Mengjiang Township Boom! A dozen kids flew...
Those zombies collided with Lin Ying’s knife, mang’s residual limbs and broken arms flying about, and black blood splashed everywhere.
Liu Xiaoqi walked through the zombie group like a fairy...
又过了大半个时辰足足消耗数十条元脉后苏应精气神再次恢复到巅峰状态而后二话不说起身出门便见司禹依旧门外一动不动着 “有劳司兄了”苏应笑道 司禹被他一惊突然醒了过来连忙道“苏兄你好了?那就好那就好快别说这种话你现是我们司家大恩人别说区区几个时辰了哪怕你护法三天三夜我也心甘情愿” 司禹说话看向苏应目光中满是诚恳色不由得让苏应好感大增 虽然二人相识不短但苏应却能看出来此人绝非司绝那等嚣张跋扈人他虽然身龙骑禁军统领却待人随和知恩图报却是值得相交 “我们走吧我已命人设宴今日你我兄弟二人不醉不归!”司禹哈哈大笑拉着苏应向前走去 “对了苏兄今日还有我家几名门客前来不过我并不打算将你修复好星辰箭事说出来请苏兄代保密你看如?” 半路司禹突然道 苏应点点头白他是什么意思当笑道“自不可司兄放心便是不过也请司兄不要把我周天星宫弟身份说出去” 司禹怔然随即笑道“那是自然等苏兄去了我你介绍几人他们都是我丘阳城赫赫有名高手还有大夏皇朝境六大宗门中天才苏兄初来乍到认识一番也不可”...